The market is run on a voluntary basis with the support of the council and all profits are invested in the local community primarily through grants to voluntary and community organisations in the area.
The objectives are to promote healthy lifestyles, outdoor activity and community regeneration in New Ferry. Grants are for a maximum of £250 although you can apply each year for ongoing projects.
Please note: applications can only be accepted from organizations with a strong local connection to New Ferry, sorry but we cannot support national charities.
General Eligibility Criteria
- Only “not for profit” organisations will be funded.
- Organisations must have a separate bank account that requires 2 signatures to be eligible. Consideration will be given to smaller organisations if they use a larger organisation to administer the grant on their behalf.
- We will consider applications for holidays, parties, food or outings if it they will benefit the local community.
How can I apply?
- Download and read the terms and conditions.
- Download and complete the Grant Application pack.
- Please post the completed form to:
GRANTS PROGRAMME, Wirral Farmers Market
c/o New Ferry Village Hall, Grove Street,
New Ferry
Wirral, CH62 5AZ - The Committees decision is final. You will be informed in writing as to whether or not your bid has been successful.
Grove Street School
We support the school through direct grants for projects such as the greenhouse, fruit trees and the garden.